The Passover meal (Seder) is an ancient commemoration that tells the story of the powerful works of G-D who delivered the Israelites from slavery.  In this narrative, G-D told the Israelites to sacrifice a lamb.

G-d had plans to punish Egypt for what they were doing. As a reward for Israel’s obedience,   G-D promised to pass over them and save them when the evil slaveholders of Egypt were punished.

This meal reenacts the story every year, and to this day Jewish people take time to observe it.


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Jesus regularly observed this holiday. This meal is mentioned in all our Gospels.

Portions of the Seder have become known in the Church as the “last supper.” Sadly, much of the significance of other aspects of this meal have been lost to church people.  Only two facets of the Passover meal are emphasized among Christians. That is, the bread and the wine we call Eucharist or communion.

There is so much more to learn. Come and join us. April 16, 2025 6:00 pm

Cheshire Community Church, 4315 State Route 21 S Canandaigua, NY 14424!d